Taftie online meeting / EWG 1 & GM

EXPANDING THE HORIZON: Innovation driving economic, social and ecological Impact

To kick off the presidential year, Innosuisse cordially invites you to an interactive virtual meeting, taking place on Tuesday, 6 February 2024. The morning will be used for round table discussions, the afternoon is dedicated to the EWG I. The online event will be organised with Cisco Webex and there will also be an opportunity to network with other members during the breaks.

You can exchange ideas with other Taftie members in a roundtable discussion on a selected topic. The topics were raised by members last year and the discussions will be led by a "speaker". The following four topics are up for selection:

  • a) Ethics assessment: how to implement the process of ethics evaluation?

  • b) Dual use in innovation funding: how to deal with innovation with both civilian and military purpose?

  • c ) The challenges of artificial intelligence in funding business

  • d) Public R&D funding for large export companies

The detailed programme and speakers for the Taftie online event can be found below.

We are looking forward to e-meeting you in February and are at your disposal for any questions you may have.

Schedule (GMT +1)


Annalise Eggimann
Chair of Taftie, CEO of Innosuisse
Alzbeta Plachà
Project manager of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR)
Matti Hiltunen
Councellor, Research and Innovation of Business Finland
Annika Nussbaum
Executive Secretary of Taftie, scientific advisor strategy of Innosuisse
Alexander Wacker
Program manager at FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Annamaria Andres
Expert in Internet and Communication Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics & AI, Blockchain, Digital Transformation of FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Questions or inputs?

If you have any questions or inputs, please do not hesitate to contact Annika Nussbaum, Executive Secretary of Taftie, via strategy@innosuisse.ch.